Accessibility for Assessments

POSB 2017 Conference

2017 Principals of Schools for the Blind (POSB) Institute presented by Pearson’s Accessibility Team for Assessments. If you have any questions about any of these presentations, please email us.


Keynote: Do the Math: Effective Accommodations and Tools + Accessible Educational Materials = Opportunity to Succeed

Have you ever found yourself wondering why many of our politicians and policymakers seem surprised when students with disabilities don’t perform well on grade-level standardized assessments? These are usually the same people who think that inclusion just means that we have to put students with disabilities into the same physical classrooms as students without disabilities and then magically everything will fall into place. If we would just decrease the number of students in special education and put more students into general education classrooms with high expectations, somehow the Fairy Godmother of Education would wave her wand and the effects of years of inequity in instruction and a lack of access to equally effective educational materials would magically disappear.