Accessibility for Assessments

CSUN 2018 Conference

Below is a list of Pearson presentations from the 2018 CSUN Assistive Technology Conference presented by Pearson’s Accessibility Team for Assessments. If you have any questions about any of these presentations, please contact us.


Accessibility Transformation Across Organizations with Multiple Products

This session will focus on conducting accessibility transformation effectively across organizations with multiple products in an era of limited resources and reduced budgets.

  • Presenters: Anthony Fernando, Holly Woodruff, Karen McRitchie

Evaluating Web Accessibility: An Interactive Tour of WAI Resources

Learn about new and updated guidance on evaluation/testing, and contribute to the Next Generation of evaluation resources from the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI).

  • Presenters: Shawn Lawton Henry, Brent Bakken, Eric Eggert

Hearing Loss and Communication Access in a Digital World

A discussion about communication access in a digital world as an important aspect of accessibility for those who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Online Curriculum and Database for Teaching the Nemeth Braille Code

A newly developed math-oriented Nemeth Code curriculum and online database will be presented. Both can be accessed through the web using a variety of technology.

Opening doors to STEM fields for blind people: Indicators for success

Blind individuals were surveyed on access to STEM. Results demonstrated that those who entered STEM fields had common supports in place that helped them succeed.

Accessible Math: Best Practices After 25 Years of Research and Development

Two current accessible math development projects build upon what has been learned over the last 25 years about speech, braille, and overcoming limited working memory.

Which Braille Math Code is Uniquely Designed to Support Digital Learning?

Differences between two mathematics braille codes will be demonstrated. Discussion will include the impact on learning math, effects on production of materials/software, and assessment implications.

A New Breed of Accessible Tools for Mathematics: Digital Math Editors

Learn about the latest advances in research and emerging tools that are making manipulation of digital mathematics possible.