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Your browser does not support the video tag.
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In this video we're going to begin our introduction to
organelles or organs inside of the cells. And so recall from our
previous lesson videos that eukaryotic cells contain several
membrane bound organelles. And so moving forward in our course
we're going to talk about many of these membrane bound
organelles. Now it's important to note that both animal and
plant cells are eukaryotic, and so that means that they both contain
eukaryotic organelles. However, that being said, some of the
organelles of animal and plant cells will actually differ from each
other, and so that's important to keep in mind. And so down
below in our example of eukaryotic organelles, notice that
we're showing you our representation of an animal cell over
here on the left-hand side.
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In this video we're going to begin our introduction to organelles or organs inside the cells. And so recall from our previous lesson videos that eukaryotic cells contain several membrane bound organelles. And so moving forward in our course we're going to talk about many of these membrane bound organelles. Now it's important to note that both animal and plant cells are eukaryotic, and so that means that they both contain eukaryotic organelles. However, that being said, some of the organelles of animal and plant cells will actually differ from each other, and so that's important to keep in mind. And so down below in our example of eukaryotic organelles, notice that we're showing you our representation of an animal cell over here on the left-hand side.