
Headings are used to name sections and provide structure to webpages. Correct heading levels helps users to understand the content structure of a webpage.
depending on what heading level needs to be given.
For example,
<h1>Main heading of the page</h1>
and aria-level
CAN be used to mark-up headings.
attribute SHOULD be from
1 to 6.<div role="heading" aria-level="1">Main heading of the page</div>
explaining the whole page content briefly.
elements, multiple
elements are allowed.
attribute.<h1>Main Heading</h1>
<h2>Learning Platform</h2>
<h3>Access your learning platform</h3>
<h4>My Lab</h4>
<h2>Mondly by Pearson included with your eTextbook</h2>
<h3>Get fluent faster with our language learning app</h3>
A well-defined heading benefits majorly the below users.
<h2>Learning Platforms</h2>
<h3>Access your learning platform</h3>
<div class="cards">
<article class="card reorder">
<h4><a href="#" id="cardtitle2">MyLab</a></h4>
<img src="" alt="" loading="lazy" width="500" height="200">
<a href="">
Sign in <span aria-hidden="true">></span>
<a href="">
Discover MyLab<sup><span>®</span></sup> <span >></span>
<article class="card reorder">
<h4><a href="#" id="cardtitle1">Mastering</a></h4>
<img src="" alt="" loading="lazy" width="500" height="200">
<a href="" aria-label="Sign in to Mastering">
Sign in <span aria-hidden="true">></span>
<a href="">
Discover Mastering<sup><span>®</span></sup> <span aria-hidden="true">></span>
<article class="card reorder">
<h4><a href="#" id="cardtitle3">Revel</a></h4>
<img src="" alt="" loading="lazy" width="500" height="200">
<a href="">
Sign in <span aria-hidden="true">></span>
<a href="">
Discover Revel<sup><span>®</span></sup> <span aria-hidden="true">></span>
<div class="decorative-image-container" role="presentation">
<img src="" alt="" class="decorative-image">
<div class="content-tile-text rte-container">
<h2>Mondly by Pearson included with your eTextbook</h2>
<h3>Get fluent faster with our language learning app</h3>
<li>Enjoy free, unlimited access to 41 languages</li>
<li>Get quick lessons designed by world-class linguists</li>
<li>Practice your conversations with chatbots</li>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">
<h2 id="Learners-heading">Learners</h2>
Find everything you need to help you with your studies and in the
format you want
<a href="">Shop for students</a>
<div class="column">
<h2 id="educators-heading">Educators</h2>
Whether planning a lesson or training staff, we have the material to
help you
<a href="">
Discover teaching material
<div class="column">
<h2 id="practitioners-heading">Practitioners</h2>
From clinical diagnostics to professional assessment and admission
testing, find what you need
<a href="">
Discover teaching material
<div class="center">
At Pearson, we add life to a lifetime of learning so everyone can
realise the life they imagine. We do this by creating vibrant and
enriching learning experiences designed for real-life impact.
<div class="center">
<h3>Meet our people</h3>
For those who want progress, not just potential, Pearson is your partner
in the moments that matter, proudly creating experiences that are full
of life, so yours can be too. Learn more about the people who help bring
learning to life.
<a class="link button-primary" href="">
<span>Meet our People</span>
<div class="decorative-image-container" role="presentation">
<img src="" alt="" class="decorative-image">
<div class="content-tile-text rte-container">
<h3>Diversity, Equity & Inclusion</h3>
We believe we’re at our best when we harness the unique skills,
perspectives and backgrounds of every employee.
<a class="link button-primary" href="">
<span>Diversity, Equity & Inclusion</span>
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Find everything you need to help you with your studies and in the format you want
Shop for studentsWhether planning a lesson or training staff, we have the material to help you
Discover teaching materialFrom clinical diagnostics to professional assessment and admission testing, find what you need.
Discover teaching materialAt Pearson, we add life to a lifetime of learning so everyone can realise the life they imagine. We do this by creating vibrant and enriching learning experiences designed for real-life impact.
For those who want progress, not just potential, Pearson is your partner in the moments that matter, proudly creating experiences that are full of life, so yours can be too. Learn more about the people who help bring learning to life.
Meet our PeopleWe believe we’re at our best when we harness the unique skills, perspectives and backgrounds of every employee.
Diversity, Equity & InclusionThe form has been reset.