Squared Operators

There are several squared operators that are supported by the equation editor, but none of them can be entered via the braille terminal at present. However, you can still enter the symbols from the equation editor’s Squared palette and expect them to display correctly. The arguments can be entered in the full cells displayed after the symbol. If your braille display includes routing keys, simply press the routing key above the full cell you wish to move to, or use the left/right arrow keys.


Using the equation editor's Squared palette, enter the following symbols into the equation editor below and verify that the equation editor produces the proper Nemeth braille output in each case. Also verify that a sighted friend can read each expression you have typed as it is displayed on the screen. Feel free to try your own examples.

  • X squared plus y
  • x squared minus y
  • 2 squared slash 3
  • 2 squared times x
  • x squared vertical bar y