More Relations

In Nemeth, symbols of relation are denoted by two or more cells, surrounded by spaces. The equation editor will recognize the end of the relation symbol by the space immediately following it. However, it is not necessary to type out certain, more advanced symbols of relation. For example, the equation editor will supply the completed “much greater than” symbol (dots 46, 2, 4, 46, 2) after the second dot 4 is entered. The same is true for “much less than” (dots 5, 13, 4, 5, 13). However, if you choose to type out the entire symbol, the displaying of the equation will not be affected.

When typing a number after an advanced sign of comparison, the equation editor should produce the proper Nemeth braille output regardless of whether a space is typed or not.


Type the following expressions into the equation editor below and verify that the equation editor produces the proper Nemeth braille output in each case. Also verify that a sighted friend can read each expression you have typed as it is displayed on the screen. Feel free to try your own examples, and to explore other less common signs of comparison.

  • 4 precedes 5
  • 314 is much greater than 23
  • Pi is approximately equal to 3.1415...
  • 2 to 3 (ratio symbol)
  • X is proportional to y